Leduc Cake Smash Photography
It was an absolute pleasure to welcome little miss E into the studio. She was about to turn one, and came in for a cake smash and splash.

We started off with some portraits. She had on an adorable outfit that her aunty made for her! She was so proud to stand up next to the chair and loved sitting on the soft fur.

The teddy bear has special meaning to her since it contains the ashes of a loved one. It was a pleasure to be able to include her beloved bear in the session!

Next her mama changed her into her cake smash outfit. The tutu was supplied by Keisha's Corner, a local Leduc business. The headband was made by the talented Little Dragonfly Boutique, located in west Edmonton.

The beautiful cake was baked by Bake my Day in Beaumont. It makes me so happy to see so many talented local business women involved in this celebration! E dove right into the cake and enjoyed licking the icing.

While she enjoyed the cake, her favourite part was the splash! She loved playing in the bubbles and splashing in the tub. In fact, the only time she cried in the whole session was when she had to come out of the water!

It was an absolute pleasure meeting E and her mama. If you would like to book a cake smash and splash, be sure to contact me in advance so we can fit you in the schedule and have the photographs back in time for the big day!

Everything is included in the cake smash except for the cake (due to allergies) but I can provide a list of bakeries to you if you wish. I have a large collection of backdrops and props for you to choose from, or we can discuss planning a unique theme that is special to your family!