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Calmar Maternity Photographer

I got to know M and K last fall when they came in for a couples session, so I was so happy when she messaged me to let me know that they were expecting! This is their first and I couldn't have been happier for them.

We had to wait out a much colder than usual spring, but we finally had the perfect evening for some outdoor maternity portraits. M and K love the outdoors and we chose a beautiful rural setting for their session. These old buildings are only minutes from my studio and the perfect backdrop for a rustic feel.

We started out will some portraits in front of this beautiful red barn. The sun was still a bit high so we stayed in the shade for this part of the session. M was wearing a dress that she picked out for the occasion.

calmar maternity thorsby photographer backlit green gown floral headpiece

Next she changed into one of the gowns from my client closet. The green compliments her green eyes beautifully and she is also wearing a matching floral head piece.

calmar photographer red barn grey gown front lit couple baby

We were able to capture a few different images in this dress before changing again to this light grey dress. The sun was starting to set and created a beautiful glow on the horizon.

calmar maternity photographer field sun grey gown

Now the crazy part about this session was that the next day I received a text from M that she was going to have her baby that day! This was a few weeks before her expected due date, but for this reason I suggest booking maternity portraits for before you reach 36 weeks. I'm so glad that we were able to capture this special time for the couple. As children grow up, it is so special for them to see the time that 'they were in mommy's tummy'. If you wait too long you can never get this time back again in order to capture the moment forever!

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